JournalDesigner is the centrepiece of JournalSuite and the perfect solution for publication planning. JournalDesigner is available as Native Client and also as a Web Module.

Issue Planning for Newspapers and Magazines

While planning the contents of an issue, JournalDesigner takes into account important elements like advertisement customer requirements (exclusion of competitive ads, editorial environment etc.), and technical specifications (coupons, stickers, color schemes) as well as editorial preferences. These factors are all brought together and evaluated as an issue it moves through the planning stages and is brought to press.


Detailed Display of Signatures

With the flexibility of JournalDesigner, the planning process is supported by a variety of views and planning modes. Thus the planning can be oriented towards the contents as well as technical requirements. The display of various types of signatures is possible. Page sizes and shapes can vary within a single issue. With the help of JournalDesigner, perforated pages, booklets, postcards and all kinds of gate folders can be planned.


Working in a Team

With a sophisticated rights system individually designed user-groups can be established with varying access to work steps. To facilitate communication between users, JournalDesigner provides an integrated chat and news system. It offers the opportunity to use the E-Mail and SMS-features of the DataplanServer. A unique conference function allows more than one user to work on the same planning project.

Regionalization par excellence

Each planning element such as signatures, pages, ads, layouts, inserts etc. can be split and regionalized. With splits these elements are dedicated to a geographic region and a demographic group. Pages can be defined as run pages or split pages, as appropriate. Through this means the placed elements can be checked against the regional editions to confirm their status.


Control of Deadlines

With the function Schedules, deadlines are defined for all work steps involved in the planning process of an issue. Dates are set for warnings and deadlines to make sure each work step is completed on schedule. Publication deadlines can thus be set a year in advance through Schedule Templates that take all public holidays into account.


Creating alternative Versions of an Issue

JournalDesigner offers the possibility to plan more than one version of an issue at a time, for example to have alternative drafts for an issue with different pages volumes. Changing between versions requires just a few mouse-clicks in JournalDesigner.



Issue Planning as Web-Application

The MagazineDesigner is the perfect addition to JournalDesigner. The web client offers online access to a map of an issue by using a web-browser. The existing maps can be edited or new issues can be created. Issue planning done with MagazineDesigner is compatible with planning done with a JournalDesigner client.


Editing the Map Online

Like JournalDesigner the MagazineDesigner creates, edits and places editorial sections, ads and layouts. A range of pre-defined signatures with varying page-numbers are available to define the issue’s volume. All important data are displayed in a similar manner to JournalDesigner.

Different Views

The MagazineDesigner can quickly display previews of pages with ads or editorial content and has a PageFlip function to visualize the issue as it is being planned.



Pre-defined signatures, layout components and advertisement components can be dragged und dropped into the map. The Signature View displays or lists all signatures one after another. This is useful for a publication with saddle stitched-binding. The Signature View shows all pages belonging to a signature regardless which folio they run.



Statistical information such as the ad/edit ratio of an issue is an additional function offered by the MagazineDesigner as well as options to print the map or save it as PDF. MagazineDesigner provides pie charts and bar charts of statistical values such as the proportion of ads to editorials, the PIB-categories or regional divisions.



Like JournalDesigner, the MagazineDesigner has interfaces to editorial systems, layout systems and ad systems. The workflow status of a page is displayed in the Status View.



Features of JournalDesigner

  • Places ads and editorials in a map/flatplan
  • Defines issue volume through template issues or signatures
  • Imports ads from booking systems (SAP, VM etc.)
  • Imports layouts from Editorial Systems (WoodWing Enterprise, vjoon K4, Quark QPS)
  • Positions ad-images from gallery with Drag and Drop
  • Checks positioning against customer´s preferences
  • Makes modifications easy through Drag & Drop and Parkbox
  • Allows flexible definition of image area, regional splits etc.

Our objective is to ensure that all our customers using both Enterprise and JournalDesigner can further improve their editorial production workflow and benefit from most advanced technology. For all WoodWing users who don't use a flat-planning system yet, it's a safe investment. JournalDesigner is a very innovative and easy-to-use solution for creating maps for magazines.

Dr. Wolfgang Zetsche
CEO of dataplan


Solution Areas: Publishing Planning

ClassifiedDesigner, a software for classified advertisement pagination.  ClassifiedDesigner can manage large class hierarchies as well as class headers and filler advertisements. The classified advertisements are sorted by classes, dragged and dropped into the map. There are two Classified Volume views which allow quick and easy page arrangement.



The classified volume is first calculated and then placed in JournalDesigner that can be edited in the ClassifiedDesigner.



An Assembling Area helps to design the final layout of a classified advertisement page. In addition, there are many useful tools for sorting and arranging advertisements that can be integrated into the Classified Tool Bar.  Predesigned class-headers and filler advertisements are simply dragged out of a palette and
dropped into the page.





The Finished pages can be mirrored vertically or horizontally. Advertisements can be sorted by size or their name. There are various display options that are available in ClassifiedDesigner, Example an option, colour codes the advertisements to show their booking status or their class sections.

A first visual impression can be seen when you want to preview the page.



Features of ClassifiedDesigner

  • Automatically paginates large volumes of classified ads, either forward or backward, vertically or horizontally for one page or complete classes.
  • Imports complete ready-to-print ads or works with ads generated in the JOURNALSUITE ADVERT FACTORY.
  • Saves elements and element blocks on an assembly area for later manual positioning.
  • Places classified ads automatically in real-time during drag and drop.
  • Sets classified headers automatically or manually.
  • Online-proof displays the pages and page-parts as previews for evaluation.




With the web module AdvertManager the JournalSuite offers a powerful and flexible editor to facilitate the creation of classified and display advertisements.




advertmanager2The AdvertManager displays current ad bookings and their status. The Ad material can be viewed, checked and new ad bookings can be created. Displayed advertisements based on templates are created with the Adobe InDesign Server and classified advertisements with the JournalSuite AdvertFactory. It is possible to manage premium, in-demand placements for ads. The application can be used via the internet or intranet.

The AdvertManager makes it possible to work with variable or fixed formats to design advertisements quickly and accurately. It helps in providing an overview of the work from start to finish. To achieve this, a template system supports the graphic work, allowing the designer to securely access to a variety of stylistic and typographic elements which enhance the quality of the finished product.

advertmanager3What You See Is What You Get

The WYSIWYG display during the process makes it easier for the designers to see his changes as they are made. In addition various supplementary information such as contact information or codes, can be attached as notes. Images that are imported can also be checked to see if they conform to the required image-format and resolution.  When an advertisement is saved the DataplanServer automatically creates a print-ready PDF for the advertisement.




The DataplanServer plays a central role in this process. It integrates functions from the Adobe InDesign Server which acts as the primary means of creating a layout for an advertisement. For creating a layout, access to the InDesign library is provided, from which the AdvertManager can browse and select templates suitable for creating a layout. The template contains various place-holders for text and images. Fonts and stylistic templates are pre-selected and automatically used for ads.


Features of AdvertManager

  • displays the current ad bookings and their status
  • checks and visualizes the transferred ad material
  • allows the creation of ad bookings
  • creates displayed ads based on templates with the Adobe InDesign Server
  • creates classified ads by using the JOURNALSUITE ADVERTFACTORY
  • manages premium, in-demand placements for ads


Callas pdf Toolbox supports all relevant PDF preflight standards. It can inspect PDF files or simply fix them fully automatically according to your guidelines and use default preflight profiles or customize them to fit your needs.

  • Supports all ISO PDF/X and ISO PDF/A standards
  • Provides support for PDF/VT, PDF/E and the GWG market specific profiles


Built-in scalability

pdfToolbox is by far the fastest and most reliable PDF engine it doesn’t even limit itself to one system. Using automatic load balancing, pdfToolbox allows configuring a dispatcher that then distributes work across the network to satellites running on different systems. High performance combined with easy setup and maintenance. Whether a single pdfToolbox Server is used, or pdfToolbox Dispatcher shares the load across different systems, setting up and monitoring processing can be a complex task. pdfToolbox simplifies this by allowing remote configuration and remote monitoring of any pdfToolbox installation.

All pdfToolbox Server management tools have been built into pdfToolbox Desktop. From the desktop application it is possible to start a local server or connect to one or more remote servers. This enables you to test preflight profiles or process plans locally and configure a remote server with them once you’re completely satisfied with what they do. Even better, pdfToolbox Server can automatically hold problem files in a Checkpoint.




Communicate clearly

The preflight report listing errors and warnings is often the only contact customers have with the production workflow; that makes such reports essential in conveying the proper information. The preflight report layout is visually attractive, provides the information in a clear and concise way and is fully customizable.





Inspect Visually

pdfToolbox Desktop has an option to  X-ray your PDF files with its Visualizer technology. The Visualizer tools allow for visual inspection of PDF files to further analyze common problems such as ink coverage overruns, incorrect separations, thin lines or small text, safety zone issues or lack of proper bleed.

Handling PDF documents with live transparency when your workflow or output devices don’t directly support them requires reliable flattening technology. pdfToolbox Server effortlessly flattens transparencies even overprint can be flattened. You can rely on the result as it uses proven Adobe flattening technology it preserves text, images and line-art as much as possible without changing the appearance of the document.callas_pdftoolbox_img3


Control quality

With pdftoolbox desktop you can create your own quality control rules or you can simply adopt those developed by standards organizations such as the ISO or the GWG.  With full support of the Proof of Preflight standard developed by the GWG, callas pdfToolbox will protect your preflighted files with a digital signature.





Fix problems with non-PDF files

callas pdfToolbox Server is a PDF processing wizard,but sometimes you receive non-PDF files from your clients. In that case pdfToolbox can fully automatically convert those files into proper PDF. This works for Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Project, Publisher and Visio, OpenOffice, Pages and Keynote on the Mac  without having Acrobat Distiller installed  for PostScript and EPS, even using your own PDF Settings to steer the conversion.


Convert colors to what you needcallas_pdfToolbox_img5

The color conversion engine in pdfToolbox Server provides robust and intelligent color conversion that simply works. It performs correct conversions to B/W, converts RGB in office PDF files without any problem and contains sophisticated spot color handling. The (optional) DeviceLink add-on comes with a series of most-used profiles for standard printing processes and supplies smooth CMYK to CMYK conversion.



Unlock the power of layers

The layer feature in PDF can be a very powerful tool in workflows: one PDF file can for example contain several language versions. callas pdfToolbox Server can create such layers by grouping elements that use specific spot colors or can split documents containing layers. That way a Multilanguage document can easily be split into different PDF files containing one language version each.






Callas pdfToolbox Server scales, fits, moves, extends, rotates and flips pages and page content easily. But it goes much further than that and also imposes anything from simple booklets to fully-fledged brochures and books, as well as doing N-up and step and repeat impositions for digital printing.





Callas toolbox server

All-in-one PDF automation from preflighting and fixing to impositioning and repurposing, Callas pdfToolbox Server automates and standardizes the process of file delivery and reception. For print, publishing, advertising, packaging and design companies, it offers the most comprehensive solution for automated high quality preflighting and reliable automatic correction of PDF files. Callas pdfToolbox Server will speed up job turnaround time and significantly reduce error rates.

Of course callas pdfToolbox Server supports hot folders. But it also allows integration using the command-line or an extensive SDK and provides immediate support on Mac, Windows, Linux, AIX and Sun Solaris for C++, .Net or Java.


We decided to replace our own PDF checker with callas pdfToolbox as this is a more economical solution for us. It also provides us with new features, improved efficiency, updates and better technical support

Mr. Tjepkema
Owner and Managing Director
Penthion Media Technologies.


Anygraaf’s NeoDirect module for the Neo Content Management System offers a universal solution for publishing content to any digital channel direct from the CMS without needing secondary or specialized systems. Content seamlessly flows from the newsroom to the web or mobile device without conversion, synchronization with other systems or user intervention.

Neo is multi-channel content management and design system. It is designed to implement extensive and versatile content management and publishing workflows for a variety of media including books, magazines, newspapers, websites, mobile and tablets.

Intelligent content cache

As soon as content is made ready for publication, it is added to the NeoDirect content cache and immediately available for digital readers. By using caching technologies rather than static files on the web server, delivery speed is enhanced and site management is streamlined.

Since all channels are drawing on the same content from the same database, system overhead is significantly reduced. No longer is it necessary to synchronize between a CMS and a separate website management system. NeoDirect constantly monitors the Neo CMS for changes and automatically updates the cache when content is modified. Furthermore, since content stored in the NeoDirect cache is format neutral with layout and appearance formed in the browser, it is very easy to deliver the same content to different products with different looks without needing multiple copies or special workflows.

Furthermore, since the content is stored in the cache separate from its look and layout NeoDirect readily allows publishers to take advantage of the latest web design techniques such as HTML5, CSS and Javascript to deliver responsive designed sites to serve multiple devices and browsers. Changes to site layout and appearance can also be made on the fly without the need to update or republish anything.

Easy content packaging

The flexibility offered by the Neo CMS and NeoDirect module makes packaging content easy. Built-in support for multi-channel publishing lets newsrooms tell their stories with collections of images, video clips and other objects that take advantage of each channel’s strengths. Because content is separated from layout and design, NeoDirect’s library of web elements makes it easy for editorial staff to change existing products or make new sections or sites without special technical knowledge. Time used for preparing new publications can be counted in hours, not days or months! User profiles can also be maintained to deliver tailored content packages directly to your readers.

Main Benefits

  • Time, place and device independence
  • Managing digital content doesn’t create extra work
  • Possibility to respond fast to news events
  • Possibility to quickly correct errors
  • Fast and agile publishing decision
  • Control of the journalistic value
  • Flexible tagging of premium content
  • Additional sales
  • Engaging the readers
  • Strong brand management
  • Avoiding parallel organizationsand archives
  • Decreasing the server load
  • Layout and content adapt rensponsively depending on the size and shape of the device
  • Ease of managing websites
  • Keeping reader’s attention
  • Readers more engaged in your content
  • Valuable ad space
  • Better targeting of ads
  • Avoiding the device-specific definitions
  • Automated and dynamic layout creation
  • Valuable ad spaces in stories that captures the reader’s attention

The Neo publishing system works smoothly and in particularly through a browser-based interface, WebNeo. Our authors will be able to upload and write manuscripts directly into the system as well as import images, work with layouts and comments, and make corrections all through a web browser.

Juha-Pekka Heinonen,

managing director of Lasten Keskus ja Kirjapaja Oy.


Solution Areas: Publishing Planning

CProfit is a comprehensive Distribution Management system which is used for maintenance of customer and product information for ordered publications. It also provides sales, marketing, invoicing and accounts payable and receivable functions. It has all the functionality needed for a large Distribution company, yet, at the same time is easy to use for the small company. Whether your Distribution is Electronic, or Print, efficient tracking, invoicing and collections are built-in to CProfit. CProfit can be used through an on-line portal, or in-house client, to maintain all customer and product information for ordered publications. It also provides sales, marketing, invoicing and accounts payable and receivable functions.

Customer management and targeted marketing

CProfit has full CRM included for efficient and reliable management of the subscriber customer register (such as maintaining the contact person information, customer types etc). Customer contact information is connected to the customer register, which enables the system to inform the user when an agreed contact date is approaching. A direct link to the advertising database (Aprofit) allows further fine tuning of maintenance and marketing campaigns.

CProfit’s marketing tools make target marketing easy; for instance, e-mail or telemarketing campaigns can be focused on specific customer groups. External documents can also be placed in CProfit for reference from the onset of the customer relationship.

Subscription management

The flexible functionality of CProfit’s subscription management makes it possible to set up a multiple of subscription methods. Combinations such as Print, Print/Digital, or only Digital are all easily maintained. Separate subscribers and payers on the same account are possible. Orders can be placed based upon the agent’s actions, subscription periods can vary in length, campaigns can be attached to subscriptions and pricing will be constantly updated accordingly.

New subscription periods are created automatically based on the defined price list. Distribution and invoicing addresses can easily be either permanently or temporarily changed, and cancelled publication copies can be moved to future subscription periods.

Product management

CProfit provides easy management of all publications within an organization. The publishing calendar allows for easy management of each product, including multiple editions, whether digital or print. The number of single copies can be adjusted as needed; the amount can be permanent, vary by period or even daily. Subscriber giveaways can also be easily administered with the system.


Media houses can create and maintain various delivery structures and manage deliveries of all print publications to businesses, homes, stores and hotels in an area with CProfit’s delivery function. The delivery tree is dynamic and can correspond to the physical organization of deliveries, including vehicles, vending boxes, drop-off points, districts and postal codes.

Invoicing and accounts payable and receivable

Invoicing and accounts payable and receivable functionality are included in CProfit. They closely mirror the AProfit system for ease of staff training. The invoicing module includes the creation of checklists, invoicing, printing of invoices, invoicing reports, invoice archives and ready-to-use interfaces for the most commonly used financial administration, accounting and banking software. The system facilitates invoicing as traditional paper invoices, electronic invoices or even cash invoices.

The accounts payable and receivable module is an easy way to track payment traffic. The payments are either read directly from bank files or booked manually. Due dates for individual invoices can be easily changed with in the system. Also included is functionality for different kinds of payment methods and reminders, as well as automatic updating of credit card information.


The reporting module can be used either separately, or in conjunction with the main module; thus making it easier for the entire organization to deliver and retrieve information. CProfit include a large amount of statistical information as well, making the reports particularly helpful to management.

The CProfit reporting module is compatible with a variety of applications, such as Microsoft® Office. Information can be imported from other applications, or it can be saved in a file format such as .csv or PDF. Reports can be e-mailed from within the system via the user’s default e-mail software as well.

Additional module – self-service customer interface

CProfit includes an option for an advanced self-service interface for customers. Within this interface, customers can make address changes, order additional products or services or hold delivery, all from the publication’s website. The data is saved to a database either directly or after customer service approval.

Compatability with other Anygraaf systems

CProfit fully integrates with other Anygraaf software. This compatibility allows for a single customer database, thereby making information management easier and more efficient.


AnyReader generates digital publications with dynamic layout based on a publisher’s content feeds managed in Anygraaf’s NEO by Anygraaf content management system. The dynamic layout adjusts content on-the-fly to accommodate the different shapes and sizes of mobile and tablet screens. The result is a universal look and feel for newspapers, magazines and books optimized across all mobile and tablet devices.

Consisting of an app for tablets and smart phones plus a fully integrated content and rights management system, Anyreader gives publishers a complete solution for developing and managing the distribution of digital content.

Smart and dynamic layout

Utilizing its custom dynamic layout logic, AnyReader’s smart layout always delivers the optimal presentation of text and images on a page giving readers an easy reading and browsing experience. Content indexes, image galleries and story presentations adjust on the fly based on how the device is being used. Support for multiple publications lets publishers “rethink” how content is planned and packaged for digital devices. The ability to create and deliver many different publications within one app coupled with its integrated subscription and rights management gives newspapers and magazines the opportunity to repackage content in a variety of new ways. Digitally, content can be assembled into topic-specific publications, combined with content from multiple print publications or contain content uniquely prepared for digital delivery.

Integrated and automatic

AnyReader can be delivered with a publisher’s unique brand and look and feel and can also be coupled with Anygraaf’s NeoSales system to manage subscriptions and rights. AnyReader is available for Apple iOS, Android and Symbian OS tablets and mobile devices. A preview is available on the AppleStore and Google Play. “From the beginning of this project we wanted to offer our customers a solution that lets them seamlessly deliver content to mobile devices while at the same time have the flexibility and ability to creatively package and repackage content in to uniquely digital publications,” said Hannu Inberg, Anygraaf managing director.

Same package of content for different devices

The same xml content is sent to all supported devices; AnyReader produces a suitable layout for each specific device. Thanks to intelligent and flexible templates, the publishers don’t need to create an individual layout for each different device. An ePublication can be a book, a magazine, a newspaper or a feed of varying content. For black and white eInk devices, a simpler ePub file is produced from the same content.

Article based publishing

The content of an electronic publication is not necessarily the same than in the printed publication. Anygraaf’s article-based publishing concept allows publishers to create different versions of articles for print, web and mobile, or to use the same exact data. Content packages are assembled in Anygraaf’s Neo by Anygraaf system as automatically as possible, based on the metadata and the status information that determines if an article is ready to be published.

AnyReader uses dynamnic layout to automatically design the optimal presentation of content for the device, display size and user preferences. As such, no manual layout or design work needs to be done based on a specific mobile OS or device type. A publisher can maintain its own digital newsstand, complete with an ePaper layer, with AnyReader providing a wide-range of options for selling and packaging content.

AnyReader is available for Apple iOS, Android and Symbian OS tablets and mobile devices. A preview is available on the AppleStore and Google Play.

From the beginning of this project we wanted to offer our customers a solution that lets them seamlessly deliver content to mobile devices while at the same time have the flexibility and ability to creatively package and repackage content in to uniquely digital publications,”

Hannu Inberg
Anygraaf managing director


PrintStandardizer was designed to overcome all the constraints of ISO 12647 implementation in the presroom. It is easy to install and to set thanks to its embedded ISO compliant presets that rule out any error or misunderstanding of the software settings.

Moreover, PrintStandardizer package includes 2 days installation and training provided by the best Alwan, X-Rite or KEE Consultant expert available in your area.

As soon as it is installed, PrintStandardizer will allow you to:

  • use PrintStandardizer 2 mm control strip (below) or your usual production strip as long as it contains solids and 2 tints per primary
  • print to ISO 12647 CMYK solids thanks to X-Rite Intellitrax automation and software guidance

The rest is done automatically for you by Alwan Dynamic PressCalibration technology:

  • Import of all ITX measurements
  • Sorting of measurements per press and paper type
  • Analysis and filtering of measurements for an optimized data base
  • Calculation of average press/paper Dot Gain and DG correction
  • Continuous update of dot gain correction: after each job, daily, weekly or monthly
  • Application of updated DGC in Print Standardizer software
  • Export DGC for production RIPs using supported fi le formats
  • Continuous tracking and correction of press behavior leading to IDSO 12647 matching in daily production.

Alwan PrintStandardizer is the first fully-automated and instrument-independant solution allowing you to standardize the production of a digital press, an analog press, a digital printer, or an entire pressroom combining analog and digital printing processes as well as on-line and off-line measuring instruments.

PrintStandardizer is an advanced technology that can automatically:

  • Recognize measurement files source
  • Check measurements in order to discard “bad” data and retain “good” data
  • Store all data in a data base
  • Assess each connected printing process compliance with ISO 12647-2 (commercial printing) or ISO 12647-3 (Newspaper printing) using statistical analysis and G7 Gray Balance
  • Generate and export dynamic dot gain compensation curves for each printing process to match Reference Printing Conditions and ISO 12647 requirements and compliance criteria
  • Analyze measured sheets according to ISO 12647-2/3 and G7 Gray Balance criteria
  • Generate real-time analysis and conformance reports for measured sheets of current press jobs
  • Generate real-time analysis and conformance reports for finished jobs
  • Generate press audit upon each periodic calibration to track process and press behaviors with time
  • E-mail warnings and notifications to prepress and press quality managers for a proactive information and print quality management


  • Control and ISO conformity analysis of all measured sheets on press
  • Display of assessment results for each sheet on the press console PC
  • Centralized analysis and processing of all measurements coming from all presses for all different types of papers
  • Automatic dot gain compensation (DGC) curves generation for every press and paper
  • Automatic export of DGC curves to CTP RIP and/or to Alwan CMYK Optimizer if it’s installed in the printing site
  • Offers all standard print targets available on the market
  • Easy installation and use thanks to a user-friendly interface
  • Easy integration in any existing production workflow
  • Support of all other instruments that are able to generate CGATS measurement files
  • Automatic generation of compliance reports in PDF and xml formats hence enabling print quality and press stability trackability

Alwan PrintStandardizer enables printers to print to standards and to improve their printing devices color match, quality, stability and productivity with a fully automated process control and calibration server.

with the help of PrintStandardizer data base and reporting system you will be able to have print assessment and certification reports according to ISO 12647 for sample sheets or for complete jobs. Printstandardizer detailed reports are in conformance with Ugra, Fogra and ISO audit bodies requirements.


Communication in the workflow

Alwan PrintStandardizer identifies customers’ expectations (aims and tolerances) of incoming jobs for accurate quality control on the press.

Consistent and repeatable colors

Alwan PrintStandardizer allows you to achieve consistent and unequaled color quality on CMYK, Spot and Multicolor printing processes.

The software also helps you maintain color matching throughout the print run and from job to job.

Quality insurance

Alwan’s local and remote reporting enables you to track your jobs, your devices and your pressroom over time.


Standards conformance

Alwan PrintStandardizer supports International Standards, Specifications (G7® & ISO 12647 & ISO 15339/CGATS TR016) and any custom printing standard. Calibration to standards enables you to quickly match customers’ proof and honors their color expectations.


Alwan PrintStandardizer is a smart, automated and standardized calibration solution that identifies, corrects and maintains printer dot gain curves and gray balance eliminating manual systems and human errors. Easy to use in production, no specific color bar or calibration print  sessions needed.

Cost Saving

Alwan PrintStandardizer helps you eliminate file or plate remakes and paper waste trying to achieve the right colors. Your savings are direct and quantifiable.

Print Standardizer Unique Benefits

  • No more long and costly press calibration sessions needed
  • No more long and costly readies
  • No more unfounded client claims and complaints
  • Print to ISO 12647 solids and TVIs for each and every job and Prove it!
  • Unique Alwan Dynamic PressCalibration technology embedded
  • Unique Alwan Dynamic DeviceLinks technology embedded for optional repurposing and color standardization of source files or output imposed forms

With Handheld, press-side and press-embedded spectral cameras support, Print Standardizer maintains its leadership of the printing process control tools category. Supported ISO 12647-2/3 as well as G7® calibration and assessment for offset, digital, flexo and screen printing confirm that PRINT Standardizer remains the most powerful process control system available today.

Elie Khoury
Alwan Color Expertise


AlwanColorHub allows you to choose the type of color processing you need to apply to your images and files in a very simple and modular way.

AlwanColorHub has been designed and developed to fit into the future standards and working practices which rely on the exchange of Standard/ Reference data between different parts of the workfl ow and on the adaptation/optimization of data on the printing site.

Alwan ColorHub enables you to improve your Color Match, Print Quality and Productivity with a fully automated color server for all printing process.

It allows design studios, agencies, repro houses, prepress companies and publishers to quickly and accurately produce documents for problem-free printing.

More than a color server, Alwan ColorHub Dynamic technology optimizes automatically images and PDF files with multiple pages, images and color spaces. The software supports any input and output color space (RGB, Gray, CMYK, Spot and Multichannel) for any printing application.

Alwan ColorHub ensures your output is predictable and more stable, with unequalled color quality.


Available Tasks with Alwancolorhub

  • CMYK Optimizer Server: A unique ICC based tool for preflighting standardization and dynamic correction of color separation parameters that may have an impact on the printability of files (TAC, press/ paper dot gain, black generation).
  • ICC Profile Processor: Ideal tool for standard ICC based color conversions, from any source color space to any destination color space.
  • Proof Expert Manager (PEM) CT Proof: A simple yet powerful software for the production of controlled and certified contone proofs which are compliant with the latest ISO standards.


All these modules work in a totally cooperative and transparent way by means of a hot folder based file management system which ensures a simple and smooth integration with your existing workflows.

With AlwanColorHub hot folder system, you can easily combine different tasks to address all your production color management needs. For example, files deposited in the input folder are checked. Those carrying a compliant TAC are moved to the output folder, those carrying an excessive TAC are optimized for the destination press and all production files are then proofed on your digital proofer. All these tasks are done automatically without any manual intervention.

Reports are very useful to monitor statistics such as, ink consumption, ink savings, rate of compliant files etc that may be used internally or with your clients in the event of encountering a printing problem with a job.

AlwanColorHub generates a log and/or a PDF report for each processed file detailing the processing operations and results.

The benefits of using Alwan Colorhub Press include:

High-Fidelity Color Reproduction

HiFi by Alwan ensures Spot, wide gamut and multichannel color conversions for High quality printing applications with unmatched vibrant colors and accurate spot & brand colors.

Standards conformance

Alwan ColorHub supports the latest industry color management Data Sets, ICC profiles and ISO standards, which ensure color standardization through the entire production. Generated PDF files are compliant with certified PDF/X1a, PDF/X3 and PDF/X4 files.

Ink Saving

Alwan ColorHub removes unnecessary ink coverage from the separations hence using less ink, improving printability and increasing print quality.

Cost Saving

Ink optimization also enables you to save money on consumables and raw material, eliminating waste.


Alwan ColorHub automatically analyzes preflights and optimizes your incoming files and enables you to get more productive throughput of files and to achieve faster make-ready and drying times.

Ink optimization enables the press to run faster without printability problems such as paper brake and jam, causing maintenance delays.

Maximum Stability and Reliability

CrashProof® technology has been developed by Alwan in order to ensure maximum stability and reliability for its software in demanding production environments.

Each required “task” (preflighting, correction, proofing etc) is managed by AlwanColorHub application as well as by the System as a totally independent process. In case of file error which can cause an application or system dysfunction, CrashProof kills the faulty task, signals the error in the application log and launches the next task without any interruption of production.

Alwan CMYK Optimizer is a joy to work with,” continues Paul Warrick. “It’s really quick, does what it says it will and is extremely user-friendly and intuitive. Our other colour management software requires liaison with the developer. We have to email in to them with details of the job we want to do and the next day we can move ahead. Alwan works with standard CMYK profiles and just gets on with it, fast. I never have to even look at it, it’s just there doing its thing.

Paul Warrick
Creative Service Manager
John Brown Media


Solution Areas: Publishing Planning

CIO 365: Media, powered by cutting edge technology and seamless systems integration is backed by 4Cplus in-depth knowledge of the needs of the print media industry.

CIO 365™:Media puts the true power of collaborative computing at the heart of your business. This unique solution has features that will boost your company’s performance in every area viz. circulation, advertising, human resources, finance, newsprint inventory, stores, customer relationship management and provides timely MIS.

Implementation of CIO 365™:Media allows you to re-engineer your workflows most beneficially. These transformed processes help you realize ‘neverbefore’ synergies throughout your newspaper’s value chain. All this makes you more agile as a business by allowing new ways to work smarter, faster, and cost efficiently to be a step ahead of competition – always.

Maximize Revenues, Minimize Costs

  • Exploit IT efficiencies enterprise wide for efficient back-end processes
  • Consolidate data from multiple locations and get ‘real’ time MIS
  • Reduce duplication of work
  • Expand rapidly with lesser investment in manpower and resources
  • Leverage enterprise-wide collaboration and transparency
  • Take advantage of pre-configured roles for improved productivity and high user acceptance
  • Ensure accurate accounting and auditing for all transactions with unmatched accountability.
  • Create flexible advertising rate schemes and unlimited advertisement categories to boost revenues
  • Boost IT collaboration and with your customers and associates Minimize revenue ‘leakages’ and improve recovery
  • Develop new advertising and other-revenue producing products
  • Become nimble to target new niche groups more efficiently by being able to identify opportunities and exploiting them
  • Realize opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling
  • Provide better service to your advertisers and subscribers

The CIO365™ – MEDIA Advantage

  • Single window solution unlike other systems that require the involvement of at least the solution provider and an integration provider
  • Highly customizable without compromising on the industry best practices as opposed to other systems which are extremely rigid
  • Implemented as per your requirements and does not force you to follow the system’s practices „ Highly economical with low cost of maintenance
  • Multi platform support
  • Multilingual capabilities
  • Requires standard infrastructure and no major expenses on infrastructure
  • Low implementation time of 3 to 6 months for the complete solution to go live from scratch
  • 4Cplus has deep domain knowledge of the print industry
  • Salient Features
  • Complete Circulation/ Subscription and Distribution management
  • Agent management and billing
  • Route management for multiple modes of transport (road, rail, air)
  • Integrated and combined database
  • Enhanced multiple publication and product distribution
  • Personal Contact Campaign (PCC) and Schools Program Management System
  • Competition Tracking Module
  • Meets all statutory ABC requirements and provides
  • All reports required for ABC


Solution Areas: Editorial Management

NewsWrap is an Integrated Editorial Management System. NewsWrap streamlines editorial workflows of a newspaper. NewsWrap helps editors, reporters, photographers, illustrators and designers achieve the common goal – the production of a publication. NewsWrap provides the users a flexible workflow and powerful tools to simplify routine tasks, streamline processes and improve efficiencies. NewsWrap supports both content and design led processes.

NewsWrap is also web enabled allowing anytime-anywhere access to users.

newswrap1NewsWrap is a comprehensive solution that takes into account the entire news gathering process – from start to finish all in an affordable, stable and customizable manner. Only NewsWrap offers tools that handle newsroom tasks outside the scope of a traditional editorial system.

NewsWrap provides a fully automatic and paperless workflow rationalizing all aspects of newspaper production, beginning from creation of story to ready-to-print pages in an efficient manner.

NewsWrap is a set of interrelated applications that help people collaborate, coordinate, and communicate in an editorial setup.


newswrapNewsWrap supports both content and design led workflow processes. In content based workflow the editors work on processing the content while the page designers can assemble processed content on the page. In a design led workflow, the page designers release the design templates and the editors can work on multiple articles for the page. NewsWrap keeps everyone updated about the status of the content. Each element of an article can be tracked at any time and the status of pages being designed is also available for preview to authorized editors.

The automation in NewsWrap takes care of gathering content from multiple sources, automatically forwarding it to concerned editors, maintaining versions of processed content, and generating alerts to keep everyone updated.


NewsWrap is also available over the Internet allowing anytime-anywhere access to reporters, photographers and bureau offices. Senior editors and publishers can also use the Internet to view pages and MIS reports.

To sum it up, NewsWrap is a proven system to manage editorial workflow, that is robust yet simple to use and flexible.



Salient Features

  • NewsWrap is an established editorial system that covers all editorial functions from news gathering to workflow and from pagination to archival. NewsWrap is configured/ customized to suit the requirements of customers
  • Allows design or layout based workflow with multiple editors working on the stories for one page as well as content based workflow (sequential)
  • NewsWrap supports all major languages and has been implemented in English, French, Arabic and Indian language fonts in the text editor
  • NewsWrap streamlines the process of news gathering, sharing, publishing within a centre and communicating to other centres.
  • The communication module handles the automatic transfer of text, images and pages to/ from other centres.
  • NewsWrap brings about transparency and accountability by providing MIS reports, audit trails and versions.
  • Reduces the chances for human errors through extensions that check for duplicate matter in pages being released and ‘jump page’ check for stories continued on another page.
  • Complete web enablement allows remote contributors to have access to all features of Editorial system
  • Bureau module integrates the bureau offices with the Editorial system
  • Provide a user friendly GUI that supports WYSIWYG to reduce training and induction time of editorial personnel
  • NewsWrap is also browser based and works on both PC (IBM) and Macs. It also does not require local application to be loaded and maintained on all systems
  • Provide ROI through saving of time in making pages, editing stories, reduces training time, paperless working, reduction in communication cost and reduction in licenses of third party software like PhotoShop, Quark XPress/ InDesign, MS Office, etc.
  • Eliminate duplication of content and bring down spelling mistakes
  • Makes the organization into a hub of knowledge through integration of all editorial functions

After a lot of deliberation we decided on 4C plus as the supplier of our Editorial system.
The Implementation of NewsWrap went through very smoothly as the team that implemented the software were competent and had good people skills. Using NewsWrap we have been able to automate our newsroom and connect our editorial team in time. Being a multiple center publication NewsWrap has helped us in streamlining our work flow between centers also. We like their responsive approach and ability to listen to us to understand our challenges. Everyone is happy with the editorial system. The Product is stable and the support reliable. 4C plus is totally responsive to any needs or questions we have.

Mr. Fr. Alexader Paikada,
Vice President – Production IT,
Rashtra Deepika


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