4Cplus is a technology solutions company with a core focus on print and new media. Founded in 2000, the company is based in Delhi NCR, India. 4Cplus also has installations at many major media companies in 18 countries in Asia and Africa. In an emerging information and knowledge driven world, 4Cplus aspires to help businesses to use “Information Technology” to enhance productivity, bring about transparency, customer satisfaction and streamline workflows.

4Cplus has grown with its customers on an emotional chord to make a lifetime partnership with them. 4Cplus provides technology solutions and services processing information and knowledge in a corporate environment.

4Cplus was formerly known as CRAC Computers Pvt. Ltd. (CCPL). CCPL had established itself as a quality provider of software solutions to large corporate houses. 4Cplus today provides end-to-end technology solutions to its clients that include software development, offshore & onsite software development.


4Cplus has domain expertise in these verticals:

  • Enterprise Solutions (ERP)
  • Internet/ Applications
  • Technology Solutions
  • Newsroom Automation


4Cplus’s Product Portfolio

NewsWrap - A comprehensive solution that takes into account the entire newsgathering process from start to finish. Newswrap is an Integrated Editorial Management System. NewsWrap streamlines editorial workflows of a newspaper. NewsWrap helps editors, reporters, photographers, illustrators and designers achieve the common goal – the production of a publication.
CIO :365 Newspaper ERP CIO 365: Media puts the true power of collaborative computing at the heart of your business. This unique solution has features that will boost your company’s performance in every area viz. circulation, advertising, human resources, finance, newsprint inventory, stores, customer relationship management and provides timely MIS.

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