Anygraaf’s NeoDirect module for the Neo Content Management System offers a universal solution for publishing content to any digital channel direct from the CMS without needing secondary or specialized systems. Content seamlessly flows from the newsroom to the web or mobile device without conversion, synchronization with other systems or user intervention.

Neo is multi-channel content management and design system. It is designed to implement extensive and versatile content management and publishing workflows for a variety of media including books, magazines, newspapers, websites, mobile and tablets.

Intelligent content cache

As soon as content is made ready for publication, it is added to the NeoDirect content cache and immediately available for digital readers. By using caching technologies rather than static files on the web server, delivery speed is enhanced and site management is streamlined.

Since all channels are drawing on the same content from the same database, system overhead is significantly reduced. No longer is it necessary to synchronize between a CMS and a separate website management system. NeoDirect constantly monitors the Neo CMS for changes and automatically updates the cache when content is modified. Furthermore, since content stored in the NeoDirect cache is format neutral with layout and appearance formed in the browser, it is very easy to deliver the same content to different products with different looks without needing multiple copies or special workflows.

Furthermore, since the content is stored in the cache separate from its look and layout NeoDirect readily allows publishers to take advantage of the latest web design techniques such as HTML5, CSS and Javascript to deliver responsive designed sites to serve multiple devices and browsers. Changes to site layout and appearance can also be made on the fly without the need to update or republish anything.

Easy content packaging

The flexibility offered by the Neo CMS and NeoDirect module makes packaging content easy. Built-in support for multi-channel publishing lets newsrooms tell their stories with collections of images, video clips and other objects that take advantage of each channel’s strengths. Because content is separated from layout and design, NeoDirect’s library of web elements makes it easy for editorial staff to change existing products or make new sections or sites without special technical knowledge. Time used for preparing new publications can be counted in hours, not days or months! User profiles can also be maintained to deliver tailored content packages directly to your readers.

Main Benefits

  • Time, place and device independence
  • Managing digital content doesn’t create extra work
  • Possibility to respond fast to news events
  • Possibility to quickly correct errors
  • Fast and agile publishing decision
  • Control of the journalistic value
  • Flexible tagging of premium content
  • Additional sales
  • Engaging the readers
  • Strong brand management
  • Avoiding parallel organizationsand archives
  • Decreasing the server load
  • Layout and content adapt rensponsively depending on the size and shape of the device
  • Ease of managing websites
  • Keeping reader’s attention
  • Readers more engaged in your content
  • Valuable ad space
  • Better targeting of ads
  • Avoiding the device-specific definitions
  • Automated and dynamic layout creation
  • Valuable ad spaces in stories that captures the reader’s attention

The Neo publishing system works smoothly and in particularly through a browser-based interface, WebNeo. Our authors will be able to upload and write manuscripts directly into the system as well as import images, work with layouts and comments, and make corrections all through a web browser.

Juha-Pekka Heinonen,

managing director of Lasten Keskus ja Kirjapaja Oy.


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